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A Europe of Rights: History of The EU Charter
Fundamental Rights: The First European Parliament Resolutions (1957-1979)
From the birth of the European Economic Community until the 1960's
EP activities in the field of fundamental rights in the 1970's
The EP's Role In The Field Of Human Rights and The Abolition Of The Death Penalty After The First Direct Elections (1979-1997)
The EP and the death penalty after the first direct elections (1979-1991)
The draft Treaty establishing the European Union and the debate about fundamental rights in the 1980's
The EP and the Declaration of fundamental rights and freedoms (1989)
The debate on fundamental rights at the Maastricht European Council meeting (1991)
Fundamental rights and moves towards a European Constitution (1994)
The post-Maastricht period: new challenges for the European Union
Further progress for fundamental rights with the Treaty of Amsterdam
Conclusions About EP Activities Since The Mid- 1990's
The Charter Of Fundamental Rights: From Cologne TLisbon (1999-2007)
The important decision of the European Council in Cologne and the role played by the EP
Tampere: a further step towards the Charter
The composition of the drafting body and the EP's involvement
The work of the drafting body and the EP (January-March 2000)
Organisation of work
The Convention and the challenges before it
The role of the EP
The main stages of the Convention's proceedings (March-June 2000)
Final stages before the Nice Council (July-October 2000)
A key issue: whether tmake the Charter binding and whether tincorporate it intthe Treaties (November 2000)
Nice European Council: the official proclamation of the Charter and it's content
The Charter's journey: from Nice tLisbon
The role of the EP after the Nice European Council
The Convention on the Future of Europe and the Charter of Fundamental Rights
The Treaty of Lisbon
The Charter of Fundamental Rights tdate
A Short History of The European Union Agency For Fundamental Rights and The Role of The European Parliament
Respect For Fundamental Rights As a Condition of EU Membership: The Case of Croatia (1995-1012)
The importance of fundamental rights for new Member States: a short introduction
Croatia on the road tEU membership and the role of the EP (1992-1996)
Obstacles in the way of Croatia's accession tthe EU and financial aid from the EP (1997-1998)
Further steps towards Croatia's accession tthe EU: the Stability Pact and the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) of 29 October 2001 (1999-2001)
Formal negotiations for Croatia's accession and the EP (2003-2005)
Croatia's application for EU membership
The first halt in Croatia's accession process
Croatia makes further progress (2005-2006)
Final steps in the process of Croatia's accession tthe EU (2008-2011)
Closing negotiations and signing the treaty
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