Bu kitap Okuryazar’a 4 yıl önce eklendi ve şu anda 0 yorum bulunmaktadır.
Grand National Assembly of Turkey
Table of Contents
Parliamentary Elections
Electoral Calendar
Right tVote
Right tBe Elected
Political Parties and Candidates
Electoral System
Administration of Elections
Organisation of the Assembly
The Bureau of the Assembly
The Speaker
Board of Spokespersons
Political Party Groups
The Administrative Organization of the Assembly
Financial Autonomy
Parliamentary Staff
Security and Access
Powers and Duties of the Assembly
Law Making
Authorization of Government tIssue Decrees Having the Force of Law
Scrutiny of the Council of Ministers and Ministers
Approval of Budget Bill and Final Account Bill
Granting General Amnesty and Pardon
Approval of the Ratification of International Treaties
Approval of the Declaration of State of Emergency and Martial Law
Declaration of War and Authorization For Use of the Armed Forces
Impeachment of the President of the Republic
Power of Appointment
Amending the Rules of Procedure
Parliamentary Timetable
Parliamentary Term
Parliamentary Year
Recall of the Assembly
Constituent Sitting
Days and Hours of Sittings
Suspension of Plenary Sittings
Adjournment of Plenary Sittings
Status of the Deputies
Number of Deputies
Parliamentary Mandate
Term of Office
Loss of Membership
Parliamentary Incompatibilities
Parliamentary Immunity
Salary, Allowances, and Retirement
Exercise of Parliamentary Mandate
Parliamentary Discipline
Legislative Procedure
Ordinary Legislative Procedure
Special Legislative Procedures
Budget Bills
Final Account Bills
Enabling Laws and Decrees Having the Force of Law
Plenary Debates
Plenary Agenda
Representation of Government
Representation of Committees
Quorum For Plenary Sittings
Majority For Plenary Decisions
Elections in the Plenary
Transparency of Plenary Meetings
Minutes of Plenary Sittings
Parliamentary Oversight of the Executive
Parliamentary Questions
General Debate
Parliamentary Inquiry
Parliamentary Investigation
Motion of (No) Confidence
Budgetary Oversight
Right tPetition
Classification of the Committees
Standing Committees
Composition of the Committees
Committee Meetings
Powers of the Committees
Committee Reports
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