Society 5.0: A New Challenge to Humankind’s Future Read / Download Pdf e-book
Doğa Başar Sarıipek and Pasquale's Peluso Society 5.0: A New Challenge to Humankind’s Future, published by Okur Yazar Association Publications, can be read as a free PDF ebook at the Okuryazar's digital library.
The contributors, contents and editors' preface are presented below. We wish you good reading.
Society 5.0: A New Challenge to Humankind’s Future
This book is the outcome of the joint hard work of Italian and Turkish social scientists. We seek to examine how debates around Society 5.0 explain economic and social transformation. It is the product of the common curiosity to discover the most recent phase of societal development, namely the Society 5.0.
We would like to emphasise that this book is the product of multidisciplinary work covering the fields of law, technology, social policy, sociology and literature. The book has an introductory chapter and eight chapters. The volume editors Assoc. Prof. Doğa Başar Sarıipek and Assoc. Prof. Pasquale Peluso exposed the theoretical and contextual foundations of Society 5.0 in the introductory chapter. This chapter focuses on defining the historical background and key aspects of Society 5.0 to serve as a starting point for further analyses in following chapters.
The second chapter, Social Dimensions of The Transformation Toward Society 5.0 by Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Şenkal and Zahide Peker, addresses the concept from a social policy perspective. This chapter seeks to establish a connection between Society 5.0, working life and social protection.
The third chapter, Man, Science and Politics in Utopian and Dystopian Literature: A Survey by Assoc. Prof. Angelo Arciero, presents an utopian and dystopian view to the issue in question from the literature. This chapter traces a possible reconciliation of man with the natural, social and political environment through different literary works.
The fourth chapter, Transformation of Public Labour Relations in The Process of Society 5.0 by Assoc. Prof. Gökçe Cerev and Emine Elif Ayhan, presents a unique and specific impacts of Society 5.0 on public labour relationships. This section stands out by focusing on the possible effects on a particular branch of the working life rather than the effects that can be attributed to the general working life.
The fifth chapter, Developing Countries and International Waste Trafficking: The Challenge of Fair and Sustainable Waste Disposal in Society 5.0 by Assoc. Prof. Pasquale Peluso, focuses on waste disposal process, one of the most visible negative externalities of economic development from the perspective of Society 5.0. The chapter frames the discussion via popular examples and from a legal point of view. The chapter ends with the analysis of the concept of circular economy as a possible strategy to reduce the illegal waste disposal in the developing countries and to allow them follow a fair development process.
The sixth chapter, Smart Contracts and Contracting’s Position in The Italian Civil Law: Technology for The Benefit of The Individual Contracting Party in The Perspective of A Human-Centred Society by Assoc. Prof. Marzia Rossi, addresses a very well-known issue in civil law with a completely new point of view by referencing core aspects of Society 5.0. To this end, the chapter enables to develop a unique insight to the issue.
The seventh chapter, The Identification of Potential Criminals from Phrenology to Artificial Intelligence by Assoc. Prof. Giovanna Palermo, presents the studies on bioanthropological investigations of the etiology of crime from phrenology to artificial intelligence. This chapter highlights the most recent studies in the field of neuroscience and then dwells on the today’s role of artificial intelligence, a system typical of society 5.0, which is used both as a tool for crime and as a means of identifying potential criminals.
The eighth chapter, Society 5.0 Vision in Contemporary Inequal World, by Emine Elif Ayhan and Çağlar Akar, presents a renewed view to the oldest social policy problems, poverty and inequality, from the point of Society 5.0. After highlighting the core aspects of these two socioeconomic problems, the chapter seeks to present a critical insight to the issue.
The ninth chapter, The Importance of Green Growth in the Society 5.0 Process by Assist. Prof. Ali Kemal Nurdoğan and Ali Arıöz, focuses on the importance of environment-sensitive growth in times of Society 5.0. Attributing a central role to the green growth in the overall quality of life of people, this chapter underlines the significance and the interconnectedness of poverty, inequality, technology and environment-friendly growth.
Although the book follows a sequential structure as having nine different chapters, each of the chapters is self-explanatory and can be read and evaluated separately. In this way, this book seeks to be a contribution to the thoroughly understanding of the concept of Society 5.0. Besides, by approaching such a new phenomenon from a variety of concepts, this book makes itself a starting point for those who wish to understand and evaluate what Society 5.0 is and how it takes place in different contexts.
From the preface of editors, Assoc. Prof. Doğa Başar Sarıipek (Kocaeli, Turkey) and Assoc. Prof. Pasquale Peluso (Rome, Italy).
Contents and Contributers of the book
1 Understanding Society 5.0: A Human-Centred Society via Technology
Doğa Başar Sarıipek and Pasquale Peluso
2 Social Dimensions of The Transformation Toward Society 5.0
Abdulkadir Senkal and Zahide Peker
3 Man, Science and Politics in Utopian and Dystopian Literature: A Survey
Angelo Arciero
4 Transformation of Public Labour Relations in The Process of Society 5.0
Gökçe Cerev and Emine Elif Ayhan
5 Developing Countries and International Waste Trafficking: The Challenge of Fair and Sustainable Waste Disposal in Society 5.0
Pasquale Peluso
6 Smart Contracts and Contracting’s Position in the Italian Civil Law: Technology for the Benefit of the Individual Contracting Party in the Perspective of A Human-Centred Society
Marzia Rossi
7 The Identification of Potential Criminals from Phrenology to Artificial Intelligence
Giovanna Palermo
8 Society 5.0 Vision in Contemporary Inequal World
Emine Elif Ayhan and Çaglar Akar
9 The Importance of Green Growth in the Society 5.0 Process
Ali Kemal Nurdoğan and Ali Arıöz
About Contributors
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